Physician Assistant School Interview–How To ACE It.

Future PA,

Watch this video to learn how to ACE your Physician Assistant School Interview. The PA school interview, if done well, can increase your chances of acceptance drastically. On the other hand, if you blow it, you will most likely blow your shot at PA School.

I hope that helps. Please leave me a comment below with your thoughts or questions.

Helping you get into PA school,

“The PA Coach”

12 thoughts on “Physician Assistant School Interview–How To ACE It.

  1. Hi Dave!!

    So I have been taking all of your advice when I was applying to PA programs and I’m starting to get interviews! My question is: how to look professional? The reason why I ask is because, I’m a young black woman, with natural hair. I love colorful clothes and “cute” jewelry (like cupcake earrings, owl necklaces, etc). Basically, I’m asking you what to do with myself. I want to be true to myself, but I don’t want my “afrocentric” hair to be my downfall or my red blazer and colorful jewelry. Please help.

    Thank You,

  2. Ivana,

    I agree, you should be true to yourself whenever possible. In this case, since it’s a PA Interview setting, I would be myself but toned down a bit. The natural hair is not a problem, but I would caution against being overly different with the wardrobe. You will have plenty of time and freedom to be your “true” self after you are accepted and admitted to the PA program. :-)

  3. Hi Dave,

    I applied to 3 PA schools and got interviews to all of them and now got denied to all of them. I am figuring my downfall is the interview. I would like to take a course on PA interviewing. Do you know any in the NYC area.


    PS this time I am applying to 12 schools.

  4. @Robyn, I’m sorry, I don’t know of a course in New York. I will say that you are most likely correct. If you were offered 3 interviews and got rejected by all 3, then the interview is your downfall. To get interviews at all 3 schools says a lot about the strength of your application.

    Best of luck to you! Work on those interview skills and you should get in this time.

    If you haven’t already, check out my product on the PA school interview, it should help you.

  5. Hi Dave,
    I am interviewing this coming friday and saturday. During my preparations I have noticed a common suggestion is to have a question for your interviewers. In your experience what questions do you like to hear? I can only think of the typical “what are you looking for in your students?” I would like to have a more unique but relevant question. Also is it ok to have a notepad during the interview? I would like to write key words to their questions so I can make sure I answer them appropriately.

    1. Stacy,
      Great questions. You are correct in not wanting to ask typical questions. Study the PA schools website to see if this sparks an intelligent question you could ask. Most questions may come to you spontaneously while there. Secondly, I would not recommend having a notepad out during the interview, this could be distracting to you and to the AdComm. Just listen carefully and you should be just fine. Good luck to you!

  6. Hi Dave! I just want to THANK YOU so much. I looked at all of your youtube videos and I also purchased the Interview Recordings and I ACED the interview!!!Went for interviews on a Friday and I got a call on today which is Tuesday telling me I was accepted into my top choice and only choice UAB Surgical Physician Assistant Program!

  7. Hey Dave,

    I have been following your website for a year now and I finally made the jump to apply to PA school. I purchased your audio interviews as well as your e-book and they are both amazing tools. I had a question regarding a potential interview question. If a program asks you if you’ve applied to other programs how would you answer it truthfully but also diplomatically so that the program doesn’t feel like their program is not your top choice? Its obvious that we are all applying to more than one program but how would you recommend addressing this question. Thanks for all your help.

  8. Dear Dave:

    I keep getting interviews but only get wait listed!! I bought your mock interviews and I feel they help . Any advise ?

    Thank you

    1. Denisse, if you are getting interviews that means that the AdComm sees something in you that they like. Since you are not getting acceptance letters, then somehow your interviews are not convincing enough for them. Maybe a “Mock Interview” would help identify your areas of weakness and help to strengthen them.

  9. Hello,
    I was wondering if it would be advantageous to mention in my interview that I was the sole caregiver to a terminally ill family member. I do not want this to appear negative in any way, but thought it might give some insight in my healthcare experience (I already more than meet the min requirements).. What is your opinion?

    1. See how the interview goes first. If you see where it could benefit
      you to mention it then do so. It shows your compassion for

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