PA School: When You Feel Like Giving Up, Watch This

Future PA,

The road to PA school can seem very long and hard. I know. I’ve been there! When you feel like giving up, you must dig deep inside and search for the will to continue towards your dream of getting into PA school. During those moments when you feel like quitting, watch the video below:

What did you think? Was that awesome or what?!?! Now get out there and make it happen.

Helping you get into PA school,

“The PA Coach”

10 thoughts on “PA School: When You Feel Like Giving Up, Watch This

  1. As an adult student, there ARE times when I feel the journey is too long. My wife is usually the coach pushing me along, but very gently; my mentor has been the coach pushing me along diligently, and you have been the coach with a very timely push, just when it’s needed.

    Thanks coach.

  2. Coach, great inspirational video for a tough profession. Sometimes things may seem out of reach, but if you even doubt your will then you already lost. Thanks for video and for the support.

    Best regards,

    Rene Torres

  3. WOW! I’m a older student in undergrad school and sometimes when things get tough, I feel like “Why am I putting myself through this”. But, I had to stop, take off the blind fold and look back to relize how far I come from. Had it not been for people in my life encouraging me to keep pushing forward, I’d probably let the negativity of the world beat me down. I’m still getting all my ducks lined up,and with encouragement like that, I can see a small light at the end of the begining of this tunnel. Thanks, HJG

  4. @Harold–There IS light at the end of the tunnel my friend. I believe in you,keep believing in yourself. Make it happen!

  5. Coach,

    That was truly an inspiring video!
    I just had a question, do i still have a chance to get into P.A. school, even if I have a No Credit on my transcript, but have retaken the course? Thanks, for all of the encouragement.

  6. Coach, truly inspirational! Watching you videos is so inspiring and reassuring that these interviewers are just like us. This video was perfect! I many not be a traditional student and I may not have the most solid academic past, but I know that this perseverence and blind faith will get me there. God bless you and the work you do here, my friend.

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